Perder con clase y vencer con osadía,
porque el mundo pertenece a quienes se atreven.
Charles Chaplin
My name, Curro Coronel. My inspiration, the family. Always surrounded by arts like Flamenco, Music, Paint… the mining Industry was the reason i started this adventure as a Hat Maker.
I was born in Linares, a small town in Jaén (Spain), where the majority of families were making money thanks to galena, silver and lead mines. All materials included in my collections.
Totally shocked about what those sweaty and dirty men were doing down there, in the centre of the Earth, my imagination started to blow up and my creativity blossomed and lead me to a fantasy universe where I became a “Hatter”.
¨Iba para jugador de baloncesto y acabó dedicado a la moda,
un sector que le permite expresar su filosofía de vida,
el arraigo a su tierra y su gusto por lo auténtico¨
Cristina Zabala
Elegance and lifestyle is the key to create Fashion and Trends in an open, free and cosmopolitan society as ours.
Ready to be part of the History? Lovely dream isn´t it? You can achieve everything if you use your best qualities. There is nothing nicer as being remembered because of an artistic creation.
The hats are made of wool, felt, cashmere, cotton, silk…and thanks of the singular and special treatment of the textile they get the desired shape.
Every single tifter is unique, made of one pattern, and it´s handcrafted from the very beginning, according to innovative techniques and centenary tools.
The first collection shows my pure and sincere inspiration, which is the miners lifestyle during 1940 and 1950 in the south of Spain. I decided to reflect it using the main aspects of their quotidian life: they used the hairband because of the sweat, which shows hard work and effort; the dollar, symbol of good salary compared to other jobs at that period; the cigar, distinctive of a good social status and last but no least, the toothpick, used to know when they had to leave the mine because of the gases as it turned black.
Tribute to my dad, the most important person in my life who was essential on my vital development and who helped me to be a better person.
Editor: Carlota Miñambres¨Influencia minera, sus manos tatuadas recrean el duro trabajo de esos hombres
sudorosos y manchados de negro como el tizón que cada día se adentraban en el túnel¨
Elements | Ideas | Inspiration
Each craft job or work for me always will be a reference to inspire myself. Inspiration of how the artisans worked with their hands, without using electrical appliances or technology as nowadays.
Work in mining has been one of the works referents to the time in which I have my earliest memories.
The work of a miner inside the mine is hard. First, they are deprived of sunlight so lamps attached to their helmets illuminate them. Second, it is a dirty job as mineral dust permeates clothes, hair and skin of workers.
So my collection is a tribute to this work, work place where I come from and where I have many memories.
My concept it to take some of these elements and stuff they used to use daily, and with my imagination use them as details for my hats.
Each element has a meaning for me, for which I feel identified because I come from a small town where my ancestors were dedicated to it.
My work is all handmade, craft, so any hat will be like another one. All done with great care and dedication. Being this complement an extension of the person carrying one of these designs.
For me the small details always make the difference, and that is why my hats are created each with a story behind them.
I was born in Linares, a small town in Jaén (Spain), where majority of the families were making money thanks to galena, silver and lead mines. All materials included in my collections.
This item I put around my hats has a special washing with coffee, to do reference of the miner’s bandana.
They used the bandana to remove their sweat, dust and sand. This fact create a special faded and dirty color in the bandana with brown lines on this white one, always white bandana because was the best color for them to wear in the darkness.
My attribute to toothpick refers the miner’s detail always carrying one in the mouth, because for them was more than a detail, obtained information from its darkening as they could see if it was safe area or not due to gas, sulfur…
for me the stick has always been an element that brings virility and charisma, and specially for miners who were people than Lived fast and died young.
Make a reference of the salary for the job done. Most of miners got a good salary, and they had fame of spend big part of this salary in parties, ladies and flamenco singing in the tavern around the town.
Some of the minerals that I use in my hats are lead, tin, copper, galena, silver and gold, as they are the main minerals were found around my area.
The tradition in Andalucía to chew Rosemary or to wear it on the chest pockets, using it not only as perfume but as to createa strong personality.
This inspires me an attitude.
That’s it.